• You would like to register your children in ABC Kids fun?

    If you would like to subscribe in the ABC Kids Fun, I think it is better for you to participate in the next holiday activities or to fix with me a taster lesson for FREE and after that you can decide if you want to continue with us.

    The next holiday activities are on these dates:
    13th,14th,15th of August 2009 between 2.30pm to 5pm in the community center in Wilton,Bishopstown! It's near the shopping center Wilton and near the Wilton Shopping center and the SMA church.

    If you would like to participate in the next holiday activity, send me an email at this address: magalis2121@gmail.com or phone me at this number: 086 061 51 60 and you can have a look on this website in "holiday activities".

    If you can't participate on the summer activities, it is possible to organise a taster lesson for free! For this, contact me by phone or by email!

    But if you are sure and you would like to start immediately because you hear about it already, don't hesitate to contact me by phone or by email anytime in the year.

    If you need more information before, you can contact me by email or by phone anytime and I answer you quickly.

    We are not employed by La Jolie Ronde but have the La Jolie Ronde area franchise as self-employed licensees. La Jolie Ronde's own website is at www.lajolieronde.co.uk and any statements made on this website are ours and not those of La Jolie Ronde, who has not given or endorsed them.

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  • contient logo du site abc kids
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  • Holiday Activities

    I organise a summer session activities on these dates:
    13th,14th,15th of August between 2.30PM to 5PM in the community center in Wilton, Bishopstown near the Wilton Shopping center and the SMA church.

    This is a chance for you to find out more about La Jolie Ronde, myself, and see the wonderful materials and if you are interested to begin with “La Jolie Ronde”  for French or Spanish courses you will have the opportunity to confirm your booking and secure a place for the beginning of September 2009.

    During these dates, I organise fun and handycraft activities using French or Spanish expressions and at the end of each session the children receive a certificate with all thing he/she learn during the session.

    (French or Spanish sessions depending on the demand)

    The cost is 5€/child per session of 1 hour or 10 €/child for all afternoon You can come between 2.30pm to 3.30pm or between 4pm to 5pm if it’s for one hour.

    If you are interested in this summer activities, don't hesitate to contact me by e-mail at this following adress: magalis2121@gmail.com or by phone: 086 061 51 60 Until the 8th of August!

    We are not employed by La Jolie Ronde but have the La Jolie Ronde area franchise as self-employed licensees. La Jolie Ronde's own website is at www.lajolieronde.co.uk and any statements made on this website are ours and not those of La Jolie Ronde, who has not given or endorsed them.

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  • Where, When, How much?

    Here you can find every administration information but if you don't understand something, don't hesitate to contact me.

    I will give my classes in this place:
    - Community Center in Wilton in Bishopstown. The Community Center is near the Wilton Shopping center and the SMA church.
    You have park place available so it is comfortable for parents.

    I previous to open other classes in this area:
    -Mahon Point


    I give my courses in the Community Center in Wilton in Bishopstown every Saturday between 9AM to 4.45PM.

    I previous to give other courses during the week but I am waiting to have more pupils to open a new class in the same area or other area.

    The schedule for the saturday is like this:

    9AM-9.40AM :The children between 3 to 5 years old (become 5 during the school year) French or Spanish

    10AM- 11AM: The children between 5 to 7 years old French or Spanish

    11.15AM-12AM: The children between 7 to 9 years old French or Spanish

    14PM-15PM:The children between 9 to 11 years old French or Spanish

    15.15PM-15.45PM:  the children between 3 to 5 years old (become 5 during the school year) French or Spanish

    16.00PM-16.45PM:  the children between 5 to 7 years old French or Spanish

    How much is it per session?
    The session during between 30 minutes to one hour, it depend on the age of children because for the young children it is important the courses keep fun and not to long. Almost for the children between 3 to 5 years old.

    For 10 weeks you pay 60 euros per child

    It is possible to have a FREE TASTER LESSON to try the courses and the method. If you are interested, don't hesitate to contact me just here.

    You can participate in the summer holiday session if you are interested, Summer sessions activities will be organised on the 13, 14 and 15 of August from 2.30pm to 5pmin Wilton Community Center.

    If you are interested in it, you can have a look on the page "holiday activities" on this website.

    We are not employed by La Jolie Ronde but have the La Jolie Ronde area franchise as self-employed licensees. La Jolie Ronde's own website is at www.lajolieronde.co.uk and any statements made on this website are ours and not those of La Jolie Ronde, who has not given or endorsed them.

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